Thursday, January 3, 2008




从那时起,我就开始了股票投资。刚开始我只是想申请IPO的股票。可惜的是,半年过去了却没被抽中过,所以我放弃了,开始买入股票投资。投资?我认为当时的我也分不清楚什么是投资,什么是投机。由于我手上有十千资本,也不怎么懂股票,就翻开报章然后从20只当天最热门的股票中随便选了一只股票,买了3000 lots,总值RM4650或每股RM1550. 刚踏入股市的我比较单纯,只要尽早投资就会赚到钱。怎知过了大约7天交易日后,股价大跌,价值跌剩下RM2100,跌超过了一半。我顿时傻眼了。我最终在RM1890或每股630卖了。这时我才发现,原来我是在最高点买进了。







Anonymous said...

hmm..quite jealous u bcoz u have rm 10k for initial investment..i only can use my saving & pocket money..however, coz that is the only money i had, this make me think more carefully b4 taking any investment decision...xp

jeff7 said...

No need to jealous man, because i had paid a lot for my "lessons" in the stock market. But luckily, i have learn from it.

If you have any stock to recommend, you can post here, then we can share together.

Wish you all the best in your investing, learn together to enrich your investment.


Freeman said...

after going 4 those investment course, u hv any comment?
is d method being teached really can works? need ur advise...

jeff7 said...

To Freeman,

Honestly, it is not much help in my investment now. But i still put them as a reference for choosing a stock.

The most that i had learned from the courses were the graph or chart analysis. The trainer teached me how to estimate the future trend using the old or history table.

I have try it in my investment life before, but from my experience, what i am doing now give me a better ,but more stable return.

In my opinion, you can try to attend the class to learn something new. But remember the basic rule of investment ya.

Wish you all the best.

Learn! Learn! & Learn!

yjpan said...

Hi there, read your article and find it very motivating. I think most of those successfull investors has the turning point of understanding the importance of "fundamental".

I too strongly believe in this, but i found that there is one part that is very hard to be carried out: To do a thorough research on the companies. What do u think that how "thorough" is "thorough"?

It seems that for a beginnner like me I can't be thorough to all the counters that I researched as I have no idea what are the items that I had not looked into (beside the company profile, background, EPS, etc.).

There is one saying: The problem is we Don't Know WHAT We Don't Know... Any advice one how to do a good research in companies when we have limited resources?
Appreciate your ideas, thanks everyone

jeff7 said...

Dear Yih jyh,

Sorry for the late reply. I know your concern - “how to start, where to start?"

May i know have you read any book regarding to fundamental investment?